Growth vs. Gratitude

Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday of the year. 

I love it because there is little expectation among us celebrants except to be together with loved ones, be grateful and enjoy a delicious meal. Other holidays tend to get tripped up in consumer desires for “more” while Thanksgiving is about celebrating what we already have. 

This pull between “more” and contentment is constant in our businesses as well. 

I often say that Kasvaa’s clients are never satisfied. They can’t be merely content. Otherwise, they would not hire us to sell more, launch new products or buy companies. 

At the same time, I see that our best clients have a peace about them. They recognize that nothing is permanent and we should be grateful for the moments we have together. 

I argue that growth is good (even necessary) when our mindset is correct. If we are striving without joy and fulfillment, we are likely trying to fill something that is missing in our hearts. Yet, when we know that the gifts that we have are enough, we are liberated to achieve more. This type of growth is a moral calling because it allows us to help more customers with our service, hire more people that will be valued for their talents and make more money for our families. 

So I encourage you to reflect in gratitude for all we have. Tomorrow is not promised to any of us so we should breathe deep, smile and embrace those near us. 

Then let’s get back at it next week and push for more. Because the more we grow, the more we can give to others.

Need help on your growth plans? Just write back to this email with the word “Let’s grow” and we’ll find a time to chat after Thanksgiving.



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